Torn and meta-thinking 

I might have touched on this subject in the past, but I constantly feel torn between my brainwashing that every waking minute should be productive, and my wanting to enjoy what I am doing at that moment.

You might say, but what you enjoy doing can be productive too! Well, mindless browsing the Internet is not productive, I’d say.

I noticed that I do not enjoy my weekends because of the constant questions to myself:

  • Am I doing something useful?
  • Is there something else I could be doing with my time that is better?
  • What other activity would be a better use of my time?
  • Am I enjoying myself at this moment?
  • Am I being mindful about what I am doing?

You see that this meta-thinking does not a relaxing weekend make.

One answer is being in the moment and being mindful. Prioritization should accompany this, in my opinion. Otherwise, I can just procrastinate mindfully. (I wonder, is this possible even? Can one be mindful while procrastinating, or does one cancel out the other, so to speak?)

However, if I am meta-thinking and wondering if I am being mindful, that is not really being mindful in the first place. I guess one way to try and solve this is meditation, if articles on the Internet should prove of any use.

My lizard brain does not want to meditate though! It does not give any instant satisfaction.

On the other hand, every person is different, so there isn’t a one-solution-fits-all. For some, walking in the forest can be a type of meditation and mindfulness practice. For others, painting.

Me? I have not found mine yet, sadly. Mindless browsing on the Internet does not count! The search for my cure continues.

Goats on politics

Goats. Goats, goats, goats.

They can be very funny creatures, especially when provoked!

Case in point:

Apparently the guy is asking the goat about political topics.

Argh! Pfft.

Exactly the reaction you want to give when being asked about politics. A very smart goat, this one. Very smart.

Statue Fun

I love certain works of art, in marble or painting form. Statues of marble look so lifelike, if made well. It always amazes me. I can just imagine them being alive, and the forms we see are but a snapshot of their lives, frozen in time and memory.

During the summer of 2013, I was in Paris for a few days and visited the Louvre, as any person (tourist or non-tourist) should do. I took a bunch of photos, as any tourist would do. Today I stumbled on a few of my photos again and was delighted to realize I had taken some photos of statues with captions already in my head.

Without further ado, I present to you some of the residents in the great Louvre:

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Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

Merry 2017!

May your hearts be merry and your outlook on life be bright!

May your smile light up rooms,
and your laughter sound true.

Have you set a New Year’s resolution? I don’t believe it is necessary, but it is nice to start with a “clean slate”. So many possibilities!


Helloooo, good people! 

I had stopped writing here for a long time, but lately I was considering getting back into it. 

And well, why not, I say 🙂 Time to commemorate it with a haiku! xD 

A welcome back post 

I will try to keep it up

What should I write here


Posting with no good strategy is not a very good idea. But if I wait for a good strategy and agenda, I’ll never start. Should I start then? That is the question. Do I need a reason to start? Shouldn’t this blog have a purpose?

Starting like this is like starting a race while stalling, looking back, and stopping every fourth step. 

L’est magnifique!