Goats on politics

Goats. Goats, goats, goats.

They can be very funny creatures, especially when provoked!

Case in point:

Apparently the guy is asking the goat about political topics.

Argh! Pfft.

Exactly the reaction you want to give when being asked about politics. A very smart goat, this one. Very smart.

Statue Fun

I love certain works of art, in marble or painting form. Statues of marble look so lifelike, if made well. It always amazes me. I can just imagine them being alive, and the forms we see are but a snapshot of their lives, frozen in time and memory.

During the summer of 2013, I was in Paris for a few days and visited the Louvre, as any person (tourist or non-tourist) should do. I took a bunch of photos, as any tourist would do. Today I stumbled on a few of my photos again and was delighted to realize I had taken some photos of statues with captions already in my head.

Without further ado, I present to you some of the residents in the great Louvre:

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In 5 seconds

No, I am not talking about my post. (You wish!) 😛

These little videos are made as summaries for movies…. movies in 5 seconds! 😀 Some are funny, others are pleasant to watch. 🙂

Ploop! 😀

A slightly different one…

Hahaha 😀

Hilarious! 😀


lol 😛

Here you can find all the “5 second movies” created by “That Guy with the Glasses“. 😀

I’ve noticed that lately all my posts are super small… I have at least 3 drafts that I wrote at different days (the ones that I didn’t post anything), and they were only a few sentences. :/ Hmmm not much to say it seems?

Well… one thing I can say, the trip is final! 😀 Yay!!!

How to procrastinate…!

Yo hello!

I’ve spent 3 hours today doing what is widely known as procrastinating. I’ve become such an expert at it, that I thought I may educate you all as well at this wonderful art. 😛


When you have something important to do, just anything that must be done… Fix the house, clean up, study, read for exams, etc. Do the following:

a) After you wake up and eat breakfast, go to the computer to check your email.

b) Spend as much time possible on point a), reading each email thoroughly. You may even read older emails to reminisce good ol’ times.

c) Go to Youtube. Watch videos from your favorite subscribers, go on other youtubers you haven’t seen before and watch their videos as well, listen to songs and keep pushing the “Repeat” button.

d) Go on Facebook. Play stupid little games like “CafeWorld”, “CountryStory”, “FarmVille”, or “PetSociety”. Spend as much time as possible there, feeding your pets, watering plants, plowing fields. You are anyway gaining skills for your future job and life, so really take time to see how to plow and water plants. Gain levels.

e) Go on Twitter. Tweet everything you’ve done today and what you are doing this minute. If you are eating, tweet that as well (don’t forget to write what you are eating so everyone knows).

f) Realize that your stomach is grumbling and eat something ready-made. Leave the dishes to be washed later.

g) Sit back at your computer. Watch some movie or series. Talk on Skype to someone you haven’t talked to in a long time.

h) Realize that it’s night already, and the day is gone, and you still haven’t done what you were supposed to do.

i) Wallow in self-pity and guilt for the nothingness that you did for the whole day.

j) Procrastinate another couple of hours.

k) Drag yourself to bed.

[sarcasm] And, there you have it!!! A complete guide to spend your day effectively and productively. [/sarcasm]

Enjoy! 😀